Tring Team Parish - Living God's Love

Music Suggestions

For your wedding you will generally need music for the entrance of the bride into the church, up to three hymns and music as you leave. You may also want to choose some music for during the signing of the registers, particularly if you are having the choir.

If you want to use recorded music played over the church PA for any part of your service then you will need to arrange this with whoever is leading your wedding service. But please let me know as well so that I am aware of the arrangements and know when I need to play the organ and when not to.

Select the tabs below for further details of organ and/or choir music suggestions.
Before the Service 
If you have particular music that you would like me to play as your guests arrive please discuss it with me. Otherwise quiet organ music of my choice will be played during this time.
Entrance of the Bride 
The music for the entrance of the Bride should be a ‘striking’ piece to ensure that the congregation realise that the service is starting – it is their cue to stand up to welcome the bride! It only needs to be quite short (about 1 to 1½ minutes) so will often be an extract rather than a complete item.

Some suggested items are listed below with sound samples you can listen to.
Bridal March from Lohengrin - Wagner, R.
-- the traditional ‘Here comes the bride…’
Prince of Denmark’s March - Clarke, J.
Trumpet Tune - Purcell, H.
Hornpipe in D from The Water Music - Handel, G.F.
Prelude from the Te Deum - Charpentier, M-A.
Trumpet Voluntary - Stanley, J.
Canon in D - Pachelbel, J.
-- the last section is all that is required
The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba - Handel, G.F.
March from 'Scipio' - Handel, G. F.
It is normal to have either two or three hymns for your wedding. In choosing hymns it may be helpful to consider whether your guests are likely to know them, particularly if you are not having the choir. The list below includes hymns that have proved popular for use at weddings and is provided to help you choose, not to limit your choice. If you have favourites of your own that are not on this list please feel free to request them.

The words and music for the following are available at the
CofE website:

All things bright and beautiful
Amazing Grace
And did those feet (or "Jerusalem")
As man and woman we were made
At Cana's wedding, long ago
Be still, for the presence of the Lord
Come to a wedding
For the beauty of the earth
Give me joy in my heart (or "Sing hosanna")
God in the planning and purpose of life
Great is thy faithfulness
I danced in the morning (or "Lord of the dance")
Jerusalem (or "And did those feet")
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Lord and lover of creation
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance (or "I danced in the morning")
Love Divine all loves excelling
Make me a channel of your peace
Morning has broken
O praise ye the Lord!
O worship the King, all glorious above
One more step along the world I go
Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven
Praise to the Lord, the almighty
Sing hosanna (or "I danced in the morning")
Tell out, my soul
That human life might richer be
The grace of life is theirs
The King of love my shepherd is
The Lord's my shepherd
We pledge to one another

List correct as at May 2024, please refer to the
CofE website in case of any updates.

Please note that to reproduce the words of hymns protected by copyright in your order of service you must obtain the necessary permission from the copyright holder. This applies regardless of the source from which you obtain the words.
Register Signing 
I will play quiet organ music of my choice during the register signing unless you have let me know of any particular requests or other arrangements.
Leaving the Church 
As the finale to the service this needs to be a ‘grand and triumphal’ piece. It can take quite some time for the congregation to leave the church so this will generally need to be a long item to avoid either endless repetition or finishing before the your guests have all left the church.

Some suggested items are listed below with sound samples you can listen to.
Wedding March from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ - Mendelssohn, F.
-- the traditional wedding march
Toccata from “Twelve Pieces” - Dubois, T.
March of the Priests from ‘Athalie’ - Mendelssohn, F.
Toccata from Symphonie Nº5 - Widor, C-M.
Imperial March - Elgar, E.
Grand March from Aida - Verdi, G.
Nun Danket (March Triomphale) - Karg-Elert, S.

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